Employees and beneficiaries increasingly are suing their employers and fiduciaries under employee benefit plans for breaches of fiduciary duties, loss of benefits, and other alleged violations of ERISA. Employers and fiduciaries must be equipped to make informed decisions about benefit plans to prevent, and be prepared for, litigation.

To meet these changing and often overlapping claims, lawyers in O’Hagan Meyer’s ERISA Litigation Group combine the experience, knowledge, and abilities of the Firm’s Commercial Litigation, Labor and Employment, and Professional Liability Practice Groups, together with its ERISA and Employee Benefits Group, to represent employers, fiduciaries, plan insureds, service providers, trustees, and sponsors in all types of litigation, including appellate matters, arising from employee benefit plans.

Our team regularly assists in matters involving:

  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty Claims
  • Denial of Benefit Claims
  • Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Litigation
  • Top-Hat Plan Litigation
  • ERISA Section 510 Claims
  • ERISA Preemption Disputes
  • Multi- Employer Plan Litigation
  • Department of Labor Investigations
  • Service Provider Litigation
  • Executive Compensation Litigation

Whether facing a single claimant or multiple claimants – including multi-jurisdictional lawsuits or class actions – O’Hagan Meyer offers the critical defense clients need for ERISA-related disputes.

Representative Matters:

  • Represented founder of company with an ESOP in claims for breach of fiduciary duty related to compensation paid to executives brought by the ESOP’s trustee.
  • Represented Fortune 200 company in breach of fiduciary claims brought against ERISA fiduciaries for alleged mismanagement of the ERISA plans.
  • Defended breach of fiduciary duty and denial of benefit claims for retiree medical benefits by more than 200 named plaintiffs
  • Defended ERISA and non-ERISA denial of benefit claims
  • Represented Fortune 200 company in ERISA claims brought against ERISA fiduciaries for fraud related to denial of life insurance payments.
  • Advised insurer regarding appeal and settlement of ERISA claim.
  • Represented health system in pursuing ERISA claims against self-funded plan for failure to pay medical expenses of over $2 million.
  • Represented numerous TPAs in defending breach of fiduciary duty claims related to administration of health benefit plans.
  • Defended health insurer in claims for denial of benefits under ERISA plan
  • Represented company whose officers embroiled in claims asserting founders engaged in prohibited transaction to enrich themselves at the expense of the company’s ESOP.