Category: News
Congratulations to Heather L. Keil on a Defense Verdict
On October 17, 2012, Heather L. Keil received an Outstanding Defense Verdict award from the Illinois Jury Verdict Reporter. While working at the Chicago Park District, Heather Keil was part of the trial team that received a defense verdict in Presley v. Chicago Park District, a case where Plaintiff allegedly slipped and fell on ice, […]
“TIC’s, REIT’s, BDC’s and the New JOBS Act: Does it Change Anything?”
While in New York, Kevin O’Hagan and Joseph Vaughan (Philadelphia) presented “TIC’s, REITS and BDC’s, Does the JOBS Act Change Anything?”. With private placement TIC’s and REIT’s creating a wave of investor litigation, are broker dealers simply moving to the sale of BDC’s as an alternative, higher-yield investment strategy? If so, does the new Jumpstart […]
Kristine Phillips presents at the 7th Annual – National Employment Practices Liability Insurance ExecuSummit
On October 2, 2012, Kristine Phillips, along with a distinguished panel, presented for the second time at the National Employment Practices Liability Insurance ExecuSummit. Among directors and representatives from the EEOC and the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights & Opportunities, Kristine Phillips presented to the conference “How to Guide a Claim Through the EEOC & […]
Jamie Filipovic and Julie Pearce Get Dismissal for Chicago Based Cooperative
Jamie Filipovic and Julie Pearce successfully achieved a dismissal on behalf of a Chicago-area condominium cooperative, management company, and President of the cooperative board, in a lawsuit brought by a former Board member who was removed from the Board. Filipovic and Pearce successfully argued that the management company had no claims against a property management […]
Jamie Filipovic and Julie Pearce Win Summary Judgment
Jamie Filipovic and Julie Pearce recently secured a major summary judgment victory for our client, a Chicago-area condominium association and its individual former board members. The individual Plaintiffs sought a declaratory judgment by the Court that certain past actions by Board members were wrongful and violative of the Condominium’s Bylaws. Filipovic and Pearce successfully argued […]
Two Summary Judgments Affirmed on Appeal
Recently, our Appellate Department and Retail Department joined forces to successfully defend two grants of summary judgment in our clients’ favor. Each appeal involved a retailer’s notice of an allegedly dangerous condition, and spoliation of possible video footage was also addressed in one of the appeals. On appeal, both grants of summary judgment were upheld […]
Dismissal of a Legal Malpracitce Complaint
Mr. Meyer recently secured the dismissal of a legal malpractice complaint on statute of limitation grounds. Summary judgment and a six-figure sanctions order was entered against the plaintiff in the underlying case, purportedly as the result of our client’s negligence. Because the plaintiff had filed the underlying action pro se and never withdrew his appearance, the clerk of […]
Mr. Meyer Wins Summary Judgment
Mr. Meyer recently won a summary judgment in favor of a lawyer in a legal malpractice case that arose from a divorce proceeding. The divorce case had a long and sordid history: judgment was entered in 2001 but post-decree proceedings continued through the end of 2007. By that time, the plaintiff had already sued our […]
Mr. Meyer and Ms. Bartolucci on appeal, obtain an Appellate Affirmance
Mr. Meyer and Ms. Bartolucci on appeal, recently obtained an appellate affirmance of the dismissal of a legal malpractice case in Healy v. Worobec, et al (DuPage County; Appellate Court, Second District (Rule 23 Order)). In Healy, the plaintiff claimed that the attorneys he retained subsequent to a criminal plea to challenge his sentencing failed […]
Elizabeth S. Francis named Vice Chair of the Professional Responsiblity Committee of The Chicago Bar Association
Elizabeth S. Francis, Associate, was named Vice Chair of the Professional Responsibility Committee of The Chicago Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section for the 2012-2013 year. Congratulations Elizabeth on your accomplishment!